Icedea @ Bangkok, Thailand

My very first post about Thailand! *pop confetti*
Not my first time to Thailand actually, but I just can't find the right feel to blog about Thai stuff :(
But today I will be sharing about some very creative stuff!!
It's an ice-cream that doesn't look like an ice-cream. (what?!)

It's actually a shop that serve everything in a very creative way. :)

Let's take a look how creative it is now!
Steak and Tonkatsu! But it's ice cream! :O

So realistic that they even gave the chocolate syrup and chocolate powder like ketchup and salt & pepper!
Medium Rare Steak | 159 Thai Bath (RM 18)

Green Tea Tonkatsu | 149 Thai Bath (RM 17)

Got miso soup for the tonkatsu somore wtf.
But actually it's chocolate syrup la
If you don't fancy green tea, you can choose vanilla, brownie or melon as the filling for the tonkatsu.

Other than the medium rare steak i ordered.
There's a few other steak for you to choose! Yum yum!

This Grandma's Lemonade is also one of their bestseller.
So creative right with the teeth somore!! Eventho it might not look too appetizing. :P

Other than these special ice-cream, they do provide normal ice-cream scoop. 
There's a range of different flavor there at their shop!

The ice-cream is very tasty and worth the visit if you're around the area! :D

Their shop is located at Bangkok Art and Cultural Center, which is at BTS National Stadium station.

Address: 4th Fl. Bangkok Art and Cultural Center, opposite of MBK
Hours: Tue-Sun 11:00am-7:00pm
Phone: +66-89-834-5950



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