TAG La V2 Review

Are you someone that loses your stuff easily? If you are, TAG La Technology probably have the solution for your problem as long you have a smart phone.

TAG La recently unveiled its latest product innovation, TAG La V2 - which is much more compact in size and have a higher decibel beeping sound for us to be able to hear it easily. The TAG La V2 is round in shaped which is slightly different from their previous design. Not only are they rolling out this new version of TAG La, they actually have an update on their existing mobile app with a brand new interface with better and smoother user experience.

Being someone that misplace my keys and purse very often, the device is definitely helpful for me to track down my stuff. Upon receiving your TAG La, you just need to download the app and it is really easy to configure with 4 simple step.

The 3 main function of the TAG La V2

1. To track your lost item
This is the obvious part, if you have your phone with you, just click on the 'FIND ME' button in the app and the TAG La will start beeping. There's built in GPS as well, so you can track where you lost your item!

2. To track your phone 
If you have your TAG La with you but can't find your phone, pressing the tag twice will ring your phone even if it's in silent mood.

3. Camera remote control
The additional function to the tag is that it can function as a remote control for your phone camera. Hassle-free selfie time.


The retail price for the TAG La V2 is at RM79.90 per piece and comes in black, red, yellow, green, blue and white.
If you're planning to get it for your friends and family, there's package price as well
Friends Pack (3 pieces) RM199.90 (NP: RM239.70)
Family Pack (6 pieces) RM369.90 (NP: RM479.40)
Purchase RM100 and above to enjoy free shipping.

Learn more about the TAG La on www.tagla.com.my or www.facebook.com/taglaTM!



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