As someone that loves organic stuff and always eat healthy, I'm super excited to know that Lynnity is a company that combine Chinese herbs with modern technology, which means I can now enjoy the benefit of Chinese herbs more easily!
Lynnity Relief Essential Oil is one of the main product from their company. It is 100% pure therapeutic essential oil with Myosotis Sylvatica flower.
The essential oil have a cooling feel to it. You can rub it at your head area, hand, or even your abdomen.
Who can use this?
- Guys, after going to the gym for a cooling sensation
- Ladies, during menstrual to relieve pain
- Baby & Kids, for a calm and peaceful sleep
The application is really easy as well because of the roller head. It's super fuss-free and you will be able to control the amount much more easily! You won't have to worry about leaking as well cause the packaging is really firm.
The next product from Lynnity is their Botanic Health Citrus. The main ingredient in the Botanic Health Citrus are mangosteen, blue green algae and Orthosiphon(a type of plant). It is a brand new formulation from Ireland.
What are the benefit of the botanic health citrus?
- Improves bone and joint health
- Maintains and repair Bones & Cartilage
- Reduce Pain & Inflammation
- Increase & sustain physical movements
- Lower cholesterol & blood pressure, improve cardiovascular health
There's 15 sachets in a box, and you can have it everyday before meal. Just add a 250ml luke warm water with the powder and you're ready to drink!
The taste of the botanic health citrus is like drinking a diluted mangosteen juice. It's not sweet at all, which is perfect for me.
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