Stronger, Better.

Wow, can't imagine how fast time is passing. It felt like it was only few months ago that I celebrated 2016 New Year with my friends at my place and now it's already 2017! I wished time would just slow down a little bit. 

To conclude my 2016, it was a rather sloppy year, I spent my summer holiday going around Asia, get more involved in my blogging job, did nothing much about my school work as usual. 
Which is why I am now here to give a head start for myself that in 2017, I should quit being sloppy and procrastinate lesser. Meet more people, be more grateful!

I will be graduating this year. The future seems foggy to me. I'm not sure how I should go on, should I work with what I don't like and have no interest in but would earn me a fortune or work with things that I have interest in and live less wealthy and disappoint a few people? It would be a question to me for some time. :/ 

So to fully utilize my year, I've stated using this handmade planner that I've did last year. Hopefully I will make good use of this planner!  

Things I can't wait: Graduate and go back to Japan again. :)

Hope everyone have a great year ahead, stay safe and be grateful! ;) 



  1. Very nice & pretty planner handmade by yourself ;) bravo & keep up the great work. Happy graduation to you too ;) cheers, SiennyLovesDrawing


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