Hello peeps!
I am back for another product review! This time it's Collagen again!
Like I've mentioned before, it's never TOO EARLY to start consuming collagen. I did a slight research on when is the best time to start consuming collagen, and guess what? The conclusion i got was 18! You should start eating once you hit 18! Most part of our body consist collagen, and you will start losing them when you age.
I have very very weak leg, and i blame the lack of collagen on my knee. *I did body check and the collagen level in my body was as low as my 6 years older sister*
One more problem i encountered is the speed of wound recovery on my entire body. It normally would take a very long time for my tiny acne to recover. Not only acne but any wound on my body get heals really slow.
Which is why! I recently found out about this collagen pills from Taiwan! It's called the BHK's 2nd Gens Collagen. BHK is Taiwan's No.1 inner beauty company, they mainly focus on inner health. This collagen is actually their best seller of all time! I was so happy when I finally received it to try out.
I'm about to confess a very embarrassing story of myself : I can't swallow pills. YES. For 22 years of my life. I can only swallow pills that are really small sized. But then for the sake of my INNER BEAUTY. I forced myself to eat this, the good thing is that the pills are not really big. Still manageable for me. So I have no problem eating it at all! *yay*
You might wonder why are there so many different form of collagen intake. There's pill, powder and jelly form, which one is the best? I will say pill. Firstly this pill from BHK has undergone a special technique that allow the body to absorb better! Jelly are easy to consume but it normally gets broken down way easier by the stomach before your body is able to absorb it. That is why 2 pills a day is more than enough.
Ok ok, I'm pretty sure you would want to know does it really helped?
I have been eating it for 14 days now and I must say there are a few things that I felt different about.
- My skin feels more moisture than before.
- My face feel firmer than before especially on the cheeks and eye bag area.
- My wounds heals better!
- Face makeup especially foundation stays on MUCH MORE BETTER.
This bottle consist of 60 pills which is perfect for 30 days. You can now get it here for RM99.90 for one and RM159.90 for two!
You can also get any BHK's product from Hawoo.com. Hawoo (好物) is actually a company that ships beauty products from Taiwan to Malaysia! So head over to their website to check out about it!
*Product was sent to me for review purpose. All above are my personal experience and opinion. Result may differ according to subject.*
I didn't realise that 18 is the best age to start consuming collagen. I'm way past that age!! Luckily, the twin pack is rather affordable. Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteI heard of this brand but unfortunately they don't have this here in Singapore yet. There's really different from your before and after photo.!
ReplyDeleteWow, can really see the improvement in your complexion! Especially for 14 days, thats pretty good results!
ReplyDeleteI like the result after you consume..hope i try it too
ReplyDeleteOh no... You have reminded me that I have stopped collagen for too long xD I don't agree that jelly isn't better though. I think it all depends on the brand. I've had all sorts of collagen and 1 jelly brand was the BEST! You just gotta try and see which is effective for you =)
ReplyDeleteI need this as I am old. Hope to be able to try this soon.
ReplyDeleteWahh. Now they have in a tablet form ha.
ReplyDeleteheard a lot about this and i think it being in a capsule or tablet form makes it easier to consume...
ReplyDeleteGosh! must give this a try. I trying to reduce my scars
ReplyDeleteI tried this product too earlier, love the result and still continue consuming it :)
ReplyDeleteAm also taking some supplements and collagen so that I could retain what is left from my youth. Hehe
ReplyDeleteNever heard of this before. Looks like it's a little bit on the expensive side too but if it really really works then maybe it's worth it!