Attending a wedding in Japan

Her name is Hiromi, a Japanese girl that came all the way from Japan 8 years ago to stay with my family, invited us to attend her wedding party at Mie,Japan.

I really appreciate that we are still able to keep in contact despite social media being not so broadly used 8 years ago. We were super pleased and happy that she is getting married, and being able to experience different country's wedding is an eye-opening opportunity to us.
And Japan is like my second home(trust me), so we promised to attend her wedding! Fly all the way to Japan for a wedding!! How crazy is that.

Before going to Japan, I did a little research on what does most Japanese give as a wedding gift, and to my surprise, their culture is somewhat similar to Malaysia Chinese culture, where we give ang pau(red packet) with money to the couple. But Japanese don't use red packet, the use something like an envelop size packet, white, with wording congratulating the couple. Like the one below. Do make sure do get the correct one as they have different designs for different occasions.

But my family gave the traditional Chinese style ang pau to them. To represent culture of Malaysia.

And I haven't even mention the most shocking part, it's the amount they give.
The normal amount they will give as a friend is 30,000 yen. Which convert back to MYR is around, RM1000. PER PERSON. RM1K can feed a table of 10 in a Chinese Restaurant Dinner. T-T

Other than giving money, we also bought some traditional Chinese style wedding gift for Hiromi as well.

I was expecting it to be a traditional style wedding where it's held at the temple, but this is a modern style which most Japanese do it nowadays.

The wedding starts at 11am in the morning, till 3pm in the afternoon.
Which is quite rare for me cause most Chinese weddings are at night.

Congratulation to Keiji and Hiromi!

The interior of the hall.

I love how the Japanese wedding are filled with different programs.
Everyone in the hall will witness them signing the wedding certificate, and also they will read touching letters to their parents(where her best friend cried badly), there's even a dance time where everyone DANCED together! So much fun!

It's really an honor to be able to join the wedding ceremony of Hiromi and Keiji.
Do live happily and have a good life with Aki-chan!

Another thing tick off from one of the things to experience in Japan for me! :D
じゃ また!



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