Must eat in Nagoya - Hitsumabushi (Unagi Don)

When people ask what to do in Nagoya?
Except the famous Toyota Museum, Nagoya Castle, and Nagoya TV Tower, the next most important thing is definitely eat!! Eat all the good food in Nagoya!
Miso Katsu ( Miso Pork Cutlet Rice), Nagoya Style Chicken Wing, and *drumrolls* UNAGI RICE - THE NAGOYA STYLE!!

Please please please try the Unagi Rice in Nagoya if you so happen to stop by in Nagoya.

Before flying off to Japan, my sister and I actually already decide to eat at a certain Unagi Restaurant that we found online. But there was some last minute changes cause I managed to contact my long lost family in Japan, and they brought us to another better restaurant!

I didn't even ask where is the restaurant, they came to the hotel to fetch us and I just hop on to the car! Ya la i know very cincai. But end up I also repaid by blogging about this restaurant a bit also la :P

Unagi Washoku Shirakawa - Joshin Restaurant (うなぎ・和食 しら河 浄心本店)

A very authentic restaurant, I reached there around 7pm I think.
The queue was quite long, people, mostly locals were sitting there waiting for their turn to eat.
Lucky enough, I just walked in without waiting because my host family already reserved beforehand.

It would be quite challenging for people that don't understand Japanese to order, because they don't provide English menu. But no worries, the staff will explain it to you patiently.

We end up ordering mini set for all the ladies, and normal size for the guys.
The picture below is the mini sized one.

There's 3 ways to eat this Hitsumabushi.

1) Scoop some of the rice and unagi in to the small bowl, and eat it as it is.

2) After finishing the first bowl, scoop more rice and unagi in to the bowl, then add in Wasabi, scallions and seaweed(the one in the plastic in the above picture).

3) After finishing the second bowl, scoop the rest of the rice in to your bowl and pour in the soup that they provide(normally in a jug) into the rice! .
Lastly, enjoy your food!

I'm so sorry I couldn't provide the exact price for this.
But it is around 3000 yen for the normal sized one. 
I know it sounds costly, almost RM100 for a bowl of Unagi rice, but trust me, you can never eat something like this in Malaysia! The Unagi is so nicely roasted and crispy. And and and it's just godly!

Lucky enough that we get to meet the boss of the restaurant when we were leaving! She's already the 2nd generation of this restaurant and her English is really really great! Perfect pronunciation!

This place is walk-able from the subway station, it's only 2 minute walk Joshin Station of Subway Tsurumai line.
They also provide free parking for their customer in case you're driving.

うなぎ・和食 しら河 浄心本店
4-20-12, Johsai, Nishiku, Nagoya 名古屋市西区城西四丁目30-3 
2 minute walk Joshin Station of Subway Tsurumai line
Tel     : +81-52-524-1415
Lunch : 11:00~14:30 
Dinner : 17:00~22:00(Last Order:21:00)



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