Universal Studio Japan

Super late post about Universal Studio Japan!!
 I went there on May 2014, which the Harry Potter attraction was still in construction so I didn't get the chance to see it :(
I heard it was super great. :(((

You can get your ticket on the day itself or you can buy it beforehand online!
Here's a blog that teach you how to buy ticket online : http://ch3126.pixnet.net/blog/post/107040110
And if you're planning to buy it on the day itself make sure you reach there early to queue up!

The crowd is quite a lot even the day i went was a normal working day.
There's a lot of school students in uniform that go to Universal Studio as their school field trip.
So cool right, i wish Malaysia's school also like that lo, tour to Lego Land with school uniform:P

There's a thing I would like to point out about this Universal Studio compare to the Singapore one is that there is a "sort-of" lucky draw on going in different streets. 
Where you have to pay around 200 or 300 yen(i couldn't recall the price), and you get to choose a ball in a container with balls flying around. 
Then the people in charge will tell you what you won!
My eldest sister won the first prize! How lucky is she. 
And me and Ayaka got the smallest price :( BUUU!

Because sister's prize is too big we started to worry how do we need to take all these to travel to Kyoto and Tokyo. T____T And we shopped quite a lot as well T_T_T_T

Oh and one thing !!
Must eat the iced mango and pineapple as well!!

Time to pose for some picture of course :D

Spot all the mascot and take all the picture!!!!!!! :P

A few attraction I would recommend is the Terminator 2:3-D, The Amazing Adventures of Spider-Man - The Ride 4K3D, Shrek's 4-D Adventure, Jaws, Backdraft. These are the few rides where you don't need to understand  Japanese to enjoy it.

The Spider-Man ride is exactly like the Transformer ride in Singapore, and well I prefer the Transformer more cause i can understand what they're saying. :P hahahaha

The Sesame Street Adventure was cute too, but there's a story line so knowing Japanese will make you enjoy it more. T_T

I didn't get to go on the roller coasters as it was closed. so unlucky! :@

That's all for USJ. :)

Do e-mail me if you would like to know more about USJ.
I'll try my best to answer you!



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