Super late post about Universal Studio Japan!!
I went there on May 2014, which the Harry Potter attraction was still in construction so I didn't get the chance to see it :(
I heard it was super great. :(((
You can get your ticket on the day itself or you can buy it beforehand online!
Here's a blog that teach you how to buy ticket online :
And if you're planning to buy it on the day itself make sure you reach there early to queue up!
The crowd is quite a lot even the day i went was a normal working day.
There's a lot of school students in uniform that go to Universal Studio as their school field trip.
So cool right, i wish Malaysia's school also like that lo, tour to Lego Land with school uniform:P
Because sister's prize is too big we started to worry how do we need to take all these to travel to Kyoto and Tokyo. T____T And we shopped quite a lot as well T_T_T_T
Oh and one thing !!
Must eat the iced mango and pineapple as well!!
Time to pose for some picture of course :D
Spot all the mascot and take all the picture!!!!!!! :P
A few attraction I would recommend is the Terminator 2:3-D, The Amazing Adventures of Spider-Man - The Ride 4K3D, Shrek's 4-D Adventure, Jaws, Backdraft. These are the few rides where you don't need to understand Japanese to enjoy it.
The Spider-Man ride is exactly like the Transformer ride in Singapore, and well I prefer the Transformer more cause i can understand what they're saying. :P hahahaha
The Sesame Street Adventure was cute too, but there's a story line so knowing Japanese will make you enjoy it more. T_T
I didn't get to go on the roller coasters as it was closed. so unlucky! :@
That's all for USJ. :)
Do e-mail me if you would like to know more about USJ.
I'll try my best to answer you!
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