
Was randomly going thru youtube yesterday.
And this sudden feeling came out of nowhere made me search back the songs from Final Fantasy.

I'm a big fan of Final Fantasy IX.
OKAY. Literally, the only FF game i played the longest was IX.
I played FF7, not the original one. but the Crisis Core PSP version and Advent Children PS2 version.
And abit of FF8. I gave up at the beginning. ._.

Ok ok.
Actually my point of posting this,
is to make sure i remember i want to make this song my wedding song in the future :D


I remember last time when i played this game, i promised to myself i will marry someone like Zidane.
He's like.. my dream man.. with a tail.
But he is still very very attractive :D

College starting soon.
I'm very very nervous. ):
Sucked at meeting new people.
But then, i need to be independent and more outgoing!
The thing that is the most frustrating to me is that even until now, after i've chosen to study A-Levels at Tar College, my mother still talks about other courses. ._.
And then in the end i'll scream at her for not letting me study Travel & Tourism. ._. kns.

Turning 18 in 4 more days. ):
Gosh. I really don't want to grow up.



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