This is officially my 2nd visit to Vietnam!
First was to Hanoi, 4 years back.
This time, I went to Ho Chi Minh City aka Saigon City!
Never think that I would actually fall in love in this city.
If you compare Vietnam to Malaysia, YES, MALAYSIA IS A FAR BETTER COUNTRY!
But there's something beautiful in Vietnam that caught me - FOOD!
Simply no doubt at trying all the food over there. It's just plain great.
The environment, well, still, Malaysia is not as dusty as there. Motorbike over here are scary. ._.
But their roads are clean! I don't see pile of rubbish on the side of the road like what we use to see in Malaysia.
And the people! Some are nice, some are rude.
One thing that's obvious is how they treat the non-Asian better. No offence, just stating my view. O:
OH! The most important thing in Saigon - BARGAINING.
Every freaking thing selling on the side of the road need to be bargained. ._.
Even bread can be bargained. LOL.
Vietnam is actually still a communist country now. O:
I was shocked when the tour guide for the day trip told us that.
I'm feeling like a pig right now.
So, just a few random photos first.
I need a post with FOOD ONLY! :D
Still a better school uniform than Malaysians. ._.
They can wear any shoes to school!
An An 2 Hotel!
Cheap and clean. (:
Located right at the busy street of De Tham. Filled with loads of back packers and tourist!
Local tour organizer! :D
Very good facilities!
I forgot to mention!
Most middle-aged people, not OLD people.
They love to sit around the roadside at the evening playing chess, sleeping, chatting, playing poker.
So relaxed! :D
Look at the clean road!
BIG BIG EMPTY SPACE! Filled with people on Saturday and Sunday.
Mostly kiddies, and hot guys, and lots of lovely couple! T-T
Easily you can see more than 50 pairs of couple there. COUPLES Y U NO GO HOME?! :@
I need more vacations!
I feel so relieve after the trip.
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