Makeup #1

Finally decide to do a makeup post in my blog. :O
I'm a amature in makeup, and it's my first time using colour eyeshadow. lol
so don't criticize me. I can't handle it. xD

Excuse my messy hair ):
It was suppose to be a 'spring' look. But i don't think there's any spring feeling at all. T-T
So, i called it the 'very easy not-so-spring makeup look'.
.__. (yes, you may go ahead and hit me for that lame name.)

I apologize for my bad skin condition. ): Din't have good sleep due to some reason.
Anyway, here goes.

#1 Cleanse your face.
#2 Apply toner and other things you should apply on your face after cleansing.
#3 Apply BB cream,foundation

#4 Define eyebrows

#5 Apply white eye shadow around the upper lid of the eyes.
     You can apply half of the distance between your eyes and your eyebrows.
     The result will be better if glittery eyeshadow is used.

#6 Apply purple eye shadow. I actually used a little pink too.

#7 Black eyeliner. Draw the front of the lid thinner than the back, and draw a little < shape at the end.

#8 Apply white eyeliner on the waterline of your eyes.

#9 Apply mascara or put on fake eyelashes as desired.
I don't really know how to put on fake eyelashes.
But i have 4 boxes of those lashes at home. -.- Any expert want to teach me how to apply?

#10 Do it the same for your other eye.
#11 Apply blusher a little higher than your normal cheek level.
#12 Lip gloss / lipstick

And you're done! :D
I was actually shocked by myself. xD
I look so different with middle parting hair. :O

Hope this post made sense. ._. Does this even counted as a tutorial? xD
Should I make a post on what product i use? O:
Oh well, I will improve and come back with a better makeup tutorial. :P



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