
10 days. It's a really short period of time.
Short enough to make me thinks the trip is special.

Before the trip,
I actually regretted for weeks after paying the rm4200.
I was literally blaming myself for wanting my parents to pay so much to join a Taekwondo team training trip.
Even on the day I meet you guys, I'm still regretting.

I still freaking remember the first day i meet you guys. -.-
Oh, the only person i remember on the first day was Junee.
Because Sara always talks about you in front of me. So the first thing that came to my mind when i saw you was 'oh so this is the legendary Junee KOK.'
Then i remember we were in a restaurant, and you guys were talking about what medicine you guys brought. I was like 'wtf? why you guys talk about medicine?'
And I will never forget that fucking sleepless night on the airplane.

First day at Everland! 
It's so cold i thought i was going to die there. 

Those 6 days in Korea, was awesome.
It's weird cause even watching you guys training it doesn't bores me.
The determination of doing something you guys love and enjoys, and also the determination of wanting to achieve higher and improves yourself.
That's something i need to learn from you guys. I have zero determination.
Ohhh and and and, i had goosebumps when you guys do the shouting. Really really yeng.
For a second, it made me wants to learn Taekwondo too. *front kick* :X

Arh, I missed that day me and Sara was in the boy's room.
We were watching that day's highlight videos using the projector,
then someone knocked on the door and me and Sara was hid under the blankets.
I was really blur that time. wth happened! >///<
Ohhh and the 'Disco Disco Yay Yay!' *lights go on and off*
I also missed that night sitting outside of the hotel, watching snow falling down from the sky eventho i was later disgusted by Junee saying it's pee from Africa and ZhengMing saying it was HongKai's dandruff.
Sorry Junee, your dick is really distracting. I tried to act normal but i was blushing inside.okay maybe i was blushing outside too.
Oh and i swear i'm not going to eat bibimbap for months. -.-

Last day at Korea. :(
This picture is suppose to be the six of us with glasses. But it's okayyy. 

Last day in China. :)

I'm sorry for being drunk that night.
Just forget how I was please. xD

Those 2 days in China.
I don't know. I felt weird. Like, really weird.
Even i hate that place, I din't want to leave.
Just wanted to be with you guys a little longer.
I know we all live in KL area, can meet anytime if we want. But then it won't be the same already.

Haha i don't know la, maybe you guys think i'm just someone that have no life and wants to join you all because she is filthy rich or something and happens to be Sara's best friend. -.-
The reason why i joined was to experience group living, to open my mind and to travel which was my biggest dream. ;D
And i'm not from a rich family.
My parents just happen to have less money burden cause my sisters are both working adults.

Great people. :)

On the last day of our trip,
I did not regret every single day with you guys. (:
But i know i will think about the trip for another few months. :O

Thank you so much for taking care of me for that 10 days.
You know what?
You're the only girl friend that I can be really stupid, crazy and geeky with.
Really be myself and feel comfortable. I am really happy to have you as my friend. :D

my papa! Gimme more milk! (Y)
Okay la, you're a really nice guy.
Crazy at times, but i think you're a soft hearted guy inside! xD
I hope you can do your moon kick successfully! (:

My little brother!
Eyy stop checking girls out so often la.
Hope you and your girl happy, and don't ever let Tuan Khiat go near her. xD
Oh and, your leg stinks. sorry :X

Hong Kai
ex-schoolmates and someone that called me 'maid mei' haha.
maybe we met at school before, just din't know each other only.
Fast fast go learn driving ba.
Ohh, you got good massage skills! ;D
And I enjoyed talking to you alot!

Jin Kun
the 'innocent' guy? xD
To be honest i really hate it when you make fun of me la.
Last day at the airport still wants to make fun of me :@
Take a phone that has no camera and act to camwhore with me laa. Pandai.
Thanks for the chocolates and marshmallow. (:

Zheng Ming
the fact you took pictures with Chriz still bugs me a lot. T.T
I like to kacau you and i don't know why. xD
I miss your fluffy hair. oh how's your leg?
And thank you for the chocolates and marshmallow too! :)

Husky husky husky.
A great friend who can draw well! :D
thanks for the keychain that looks like me.

my plane mate + sone!
You make me so jelly you went to SMtown Paris. T-T
Had fun talking about kpop to you. :D



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