Tōdai-ji, Nara, Japan.

いつ日本はいきますか. T_T
I don't even know whether my grammar is correct or not.

So, I'm here to continue my never ending post about Japan. :(
Since I don't think I'll have any chance to go Japan for another 2 year or so,
I just have to imagine me being there by blogging.
I have to blog everything about the days in Japan, in my 2011 must-do-list.

Oh and, Air Asia is having promotion now to Tokyo and Osaka
starting from RM199.
My family actually wanted to buy the air tickets already one.
But! They think the hotel will be very expensive.
And they changed plan to Taiwan instead.
Can I cry?
But still, I am looking foward to go to Taiwan. :P for shopping!
i'm going before Chinese New Year. oh yeah yeah yeah.

Back to main topic, Nara 奈良.

The only place i visited when i'm in Nara, the Tōdai-ji 東大寺/Eastern Great Temple. 

Side view of the temple

Nara is famous for their deardeers.
And someone that lovesssss animal so much like me, forgot to took photos of the deers. :( *slapselfs*
actually, i was just afraid of the deers. .__. 
the photo above was stolen from one of the exchangee that went to Japan together. :P 

Ticket for admission.
It cost 500yen per person. 

Look at those crowds behind me, not me. 
I look like i suffer from lacking of hair back then. :(
Stupid hairdresser. D: 

The main view of the temple. 
Super crowded.

The wash-your-hand here place. 
Oh, there's a way to wash your hand. 
But I forgot how was it already. :P

The first thing you'll see when u enter the temple.

Inside the temple.

A supporting post in the temple has a hole apparently the same size as one of the Daibutsu's nostrils. Legend has it that those who pass through it will be blessed with enlightenment in their next life. -wikipedia 
Yes. That explains all.
It's a smooth surface, so you don't have to worry that you can't make pass through it. (:

And there's stores inside of the temple to buy souvenirs. :D

And then we left the temple and went to the street next to the Kintetsu Nara Station 近鉄奈良駅.
There is a Daiso there. :D 
Bought my favorite snake there. (x
Had our lunch there too. :D 
The second one was mine. It was really really really good! 
I can't find the same taste here in KL. :((

The Nara Station. 

Next post about Japan i think it's either about Kyoto or Nagoya. (:
which i don't know when i'll post.

Exam in 2 more weeks.



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