Sabah, Part1-Beautiful Nature

I officially loves Sabah now! :D

Again another family trip to Sabah,Malaysia with a package of RM358++ per pax including air ticket and a 4stars hotel for 2 nights with Fireflyz. :D

First time sitting Firefly.
my flight was at early morning, and i expect them to give us blankets.
They did not provide blanket. D: I was half paralyzed because of the coldness. -_-

This van pick us up from the airport.
And we're ready for our day trip!
I really enjoy the nature of Sabah.
Sea and mountains! <3

First stop!
To the viewing point for Mont. Kinabalu, a place to have a better look of the mountain.
This is not mont. Kinabalu, it's another mountain beside it. xD

Okay, this is Mount. Kinabalu!
Can't really see the top of the mountain because of the weather. =(
But it was really beautiful. (:

It was raining when we took this photo. xD

Family photooooo. ;D

We then left the place and continue our journey.
On the way, i saw this!
see that waterfall? it was on mount Kinabalu.

The Poring Hot Spring.
In Sabah, it's all about the Hanging Bridges.
You can see these bridges everywhere. ;D
So the guide took us into the 'forest' in Poring Hot Spring.

Really old treeeeeee. :O


Climbing up 550 meter.
Really slippery and tiring. -_-
Sweating like a mad cow when i reach the top.

Everyone qeueing up for the canopy walk.


The bridge can only tahan 6 people.

my legs are shaky after walking the first hanging bridge.

there are around 3-4 hanging bridges there. ._.
the last one is the longest and the most shakiest.

Leg sore after all the walking.
Hot spring water to clear off my leg's soreness. :D

Love this quote.
It was at the entrance of the hot spring. xD

Then we went to the starting point where people starts their climbing to the Mount Kinabalu.

It was a really nice place!
We din't climb the mountain of course.
Just walk around the place.

and the temperature there is er, around 10 degree celcius?
It's really cold. -__-

the mountain, once again.

I saw another waterfall again when i'm leaving the place.

So, that's all for my Part 1 Sabah trip.
There's more to come, soon.
Handsome and pretty tribes! :D

Round face ftw. :D 



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