好好地 珍惜 那青春.
人生 就只有那么一个.
Was using 3 months of time to watch Gokusen / 極道鮮師 drama series.
It has 3 seasons. (: with different stories. That is actually meaningful.
Kumiko Yamaguchi, the granddaughter of a Yakuza boss, Kuroda of the Kuroda Ikka. Her parents died when she was younger, and her grandfather has no other descendants, so Kumiko is next in line to head the family business. However, her lifelong dream has been to become a teacher. While her grandfather approves of her choice, others in the family want her to become the next boss.
Kumiko (known by her students as "Yankumi") becomes a teacher at an all-boys private high school. Her class is full of delinquents, but she tries her hardest to teach them not just about academics, but about lessons of life. Though she's forced to keep her family a secret from the public.
Yes it is a Japanese drama series.
I cried so many time watching every episode.
Every problem has a way to solve it.
Not to give up, but to face it.
I love how the teacher stop the students from get kicking out of the school, even to give up on being a teacher.
And students that never believed in teacher and thinks school is useless and boring, actually starts to love going to school, being together with friends.
The bonds between the students.
It actually made me jealous, we'll never understand how it feel.
To have teacher that tries to understand the students and not blame everything on them.
多坏的人 内心一定有想要保护的东西.
多迷失的人 内心都会有想要达到的事情.
I should stop saying so much principle,
the point is I'm absolutely in love in the drama.
The songs, the people, the stories. (:
Season 1,
Yukie Nakama (仲間 由紀恵) as Kumiko Yamaguchi
Jun Matsumoto (松本 潤) as Shin Sawada
Shun Oguri (小栗 旬) as "Uchi" / Haruhiko Uchiyama
Hiroki Narimiya (成宮寬貴) as Takeshi Noda
Yuma Ishigaki (石垣佑磨) as Youichi Minami
Tomohiro Waki (脇知弘) as Kumai Teruo
Season 2,
Yukie Nakama (仲間 由紀恵) as Kumiko Yamaguchi
Kazuya Kamenashi (龜梨和也) as Ryu Odagiri
Jin Akanishi (赤西仁) as Hayato Yabuki
Teppei Koike (小池徹平) as Keita Takeda
Mokomichi Hayami (速水直道) as "Tsucchi" / Hikaru Tsuchiya
Keisuke Koide (小出惠介) as Kosuke Hyuga
Season 3,

Yuya Takaki (高木雄也) as Yamato Ogata
Haruma Miura (三浦春馬) as Ren Kazama
Hideo Ishiguro (石黒英雄) as Kengo Honjo
Akito Kiriyama (桐山照史) as Satoru Kuraki
Junta Nakama (中間淳太) as Rikiya Ichimura
Shohei Miura (三浦翔平) as Shunsuke Kamiya
Nothing can get better. :P
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