my family have bond with Japanese; xD

Hello fellow readers. :D
I'm back to blog about the trip with Hiromi!
She's a YE that came to my house 3 years ago, at the year 2008.
And she decided to come back to visit again! :D
She reached Malaysia at 12 January,
4 days after my return from Japan.
She came backpacked and alone.
And she's going to backpack alone all the way to Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, India.

My family have bond with Japanese TEEHEE.

the main point is,
I'm going to blog about her stay with us!
For the 3 days. ;D

14 January 2010
last Friday after school,
me, Hiromi and my eldest sister went to Museum Negara.
This was my FIRST time going there. Like wtf, my house is so darn near the museum and i've never been there once in my 16 years of life. HAHA.

The crazy japanese girl. :P

veryy prooooo motion detector.

random shoot inside the musuem. LOL.

Visit-lah Musuem. ;D

15 January 2010
Mid valleyy! Took Hiromi to Midvalley to change currency.
walked a little, and continue to our next destination.
Mid Valley's new year deco.

Next destination-天后宫(Tian Hou Gong)
Yue lau. ;D the one that bring 2 people together.


\(^_^)/ is the only emotion to describe. XD

RAWR. ;D ignore my stupid place ba.


Next destination-Bird Park
Malaysian-RM20 per person
Non Malaysian-RM45 per person
the price for non Malaysian is terribly expensive. ._. 
PEACOCKKKKKKK! ;D Darn lucky to see it open his tails.

Weird bird. German something bird.


Nice scenery inside the bird park. :D

Peacock <3333

Random bird show that is, kinda boring.

Awesome weird birdie. :D

16 January 2010
Heard of Broga Hills?
Broga Hills is a hill called lalang hill,
famous to watch sunrise and sunset.
You can see lots of car parking under the hill during morning and evening.
Broga Hill is located at Semenyih.

Back to topic, we went to Broga but not the hill.
My whole family went together, including my niece and nephew. ;D
We went to a temple near Broga Hill which was quite famous.

This is the temple we went.

:D i hate my facee hahahhahahahha. XD

POSE! *snap*

the hanging bridge. ;D I <3 it! xD

I really love the scenery there. Real beautiful.
Photo shooting is the best place. ;D

Went to Rabbit Park after the temple. :D
Oh yeah cuteeeeee rabbiiiiit. :D
Fed them some food, they licked my hand.
Darn cuteeee and geli. ;D

Satay Arnab, Rabbit satay.
Damn cruel. =(
That place even have rabbit spaggheti, rabbit fried rice, rabbit with soup noodle.
I dont recommend you guys to go this place.
It cost 5 riggit for entrance fees and there is nothing special in there.

Famous fish in Broga. ;D

This is how they cook them.

And ta-daaaa! ;D
We ordered a total of 4 fish. Different taste of course.
I give 5 stars for this. :D Recommended.

Their working hours just in case. :D

Hiromi is now in Bangkok.
Enjoying herself.
She might come back to our house for Chinese New Year Celebration. (:

I missed my life in Japan.
Memories are the only things left behind.

Life is busy. Too busy.



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